Water Management

Tolpits Closed - Updated

March 23, 2020

UPDATE: 23rd March

As promised here is the update on Tolpits. Sadly not what most of us want to hear. Tolpits is still in flood and NOT yet safe to fish. Another check will be made on Thursday when an update will appear here and on our Website. Meanwhile you all take great care of yourself, family and friends.


UPDATE: 20th March

Here is your weekly update concerning our Tolpits Lake.

The level of the water in Tolpits is very slowly soaking away. Sadly as it stands today, we cannot on Health and  Safety grounds allow fishing just yet. The situation will be reviewed again on Sunday and another update will appear then. May the Fish be with you Always!


UPDATE: 13th Mar

Hello Each, Sadly Tolpits still not fishable! All swims still under water. Weather forecasters today predict that from next week the weather will be warmer and dryer. Let's hope they are right!

This Sunday is the first of our, Sunday weekly work parties and the more members that attend the quicker work can be carried out to maintain and improve Our Complex. Please attend if you can, from 09:00 to 13:00. On Sunday Stanleys Riverside Bank will be closed during the times shown above for bankside maintenance. May the Fish be with you Always


UPDATE: 6th Mar

Hello Each, this your weekly update on Tolpits. Not good news I'm afraid, Tolpits Banks still waterlogged and after yesterday's rain any early improvement doesn't seem likely. As soon as we think it's safe we will let you know. Here's hoping next week's update will be more optimistic! May the Fish be with you Always.


UPDATE: 27th Feb

Hello Members, here is you Thursday update on Tolpits, which remains pretty unfishable and  to say the least the banks still pretty soggy!

Snow today does not help and rain is forecast with heavy spells Friday and Saturday. Our weather forecasters have informed us that we can expect rain for the next two weeks! We will keep monitoring the situation and keep you updated.

May the fish be with you always!



Due to the severe flooding of Tolpits Lake and the imminent stormy weather due on Thursday, for Health and safety reasons the Lake is closed to fishing from immediate effect.

The situation will be reviewed on Saturday and an update will appear here.

May the fish be with you always.


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