Watford Piscators Annual Prize Giving and Barbecue for the 2016/2017 Season

September 14, 2017

This event was held  Sunday 3rd September immediately after the competition on Tolpits Lake.

Trevor Francis started proceedings by welcoming those present and thanking all those  who had helped in various ways throughout the season.

Trevor went on to thank Tony Edwards' partner Maggie, and and her two daughters, for helping Bob Horwood with the excellent barbecue, for providing a selection of delicious cakes and also taking photographs of members receiving trophies.  He also thanked Ian Halford's wife Marcia for providing some very tasty Malaysian Pasties.  Nobody needed to go home hungry.

He went on to thank Wally Thomas for  maintaining the records of competition results and co-operating with Simon Hutchings who manages the website. Simon is doing an excellent job of keeping it up to date.

Full details of all competition winners, and other information for the 2015/2016 season are already recorded on the Club's website.

Trevor then went on to present the appropriate trophies to those members who had won them:

Championship Memorial Trophy - Tony Edwards

Hutchins memorial Cup - Paul Spiller

Oakins Sabine Cup - Ron Larkin

Woolhead Cup - John Sears

Benskins Challenge Cup - Terry Monk

Partridge Roach Cup - Terry Monk

Pratt Perch Cup - Ron Larkin

Walker Challenge Cup - Dave Sephton

Buckingham Challenge Cup - Tony Edwards

Payne Challenge  Cup - Trevor Francis

Mayfield Cup - Mike Horwood

Bergman Cup - Bob Horwood

Packwood Cup - Ron Larkin

Cooper Cup - Barry Parker

Wesley Trophy - Bob Horwood

Jack Taylor Trophy - Trevor Francis

Tony Bone Memorial Trophy - John Sears

Watford Piscatorial Rose Bowl - Richard Lear

Special Prize WP1-WP4 &WP7 - Tony Edwards

Special Prize WP2-WP5 & WP8 - Terry Monk

Special Prize WP3-WP6 & WP9 - Paul Spiller

Adrian Gooch Memorial Trophy - Paul Spiller

Jack Taylor Trophy - Ron Larkin

Tony Bone Memorial Trophy - Tony Edwards

Walker Shield Pairs - Trevor Francis & Bob Horwood

Wednesday League Plate - Bob Horwood

Jack Taylor Cup - Terry Monk            

Member are reminded that they are invited to publish pictures of special catches and any news, at any time on the website, that may be of interest to other members.

It is fitting that we include in this report, our thanks and gratitude to Trevor Francis for his considerable efforts in running the competitions throughout the Season; organising this event, and representing the competition section of the Club on the committee.  Well done Trevor !

Photos from the day

John (Tony) Edwards
Bob Horwood
‍Bob Horwood
‍John Sears
‍Ron Larkins
Terry Monk
Tony Edwards, Terry Monk and Paul Spiller
‍Trevor Judge

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