February 2, 2020
7 Members fished Dickinsons Pound and caught a total weight of 2lp 3ozs
Average catch 0lbs 5ozs
1st Bob Horwood with 0lbs 10ozs - Sweep £20
2nd Tony Edwards with 0lbs 9ozs - Sweep £15
Golden Swim Pool C/F £7:00
1st Bob Horwood with 0lbs 10ozs
2nd Tony Edwards with 0lbs 9ozs
7 members fished Gingers and caught a total weight of 12lbs 5ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 8ozs
1st Ted Erdwin with 5lbs 7ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Lee Robinson with 4lbs 7ozs “ £10.00
Claim for specimen fish Roach 12ozs Ted Erdwin
Golden Swim Sweep C/F......................... £14.00
1st Ted Erdwin with 5lbs 7ozs
2nd Lee Robinson with 4lbs 7ozsw
Listed to be fished on Evans Pound but cancelled (to be fished later) ?
8 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 47lbs 5ozs Average
catch 5lbs 9ozs
1st Terry Parker with 16lbs 8ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Paul Spiller with 11lbs 0ozs “ £15.00
Claim for specimen Roach 10ozs Tony Edwards
Claim for specimen Rudd 7ozs Tony Edwards
Golden Swim Sweep C/F .......................£22.00
5 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 57lbs 2ozs
Average catch per member 11lbs 7ozs
1st Bob Horwod with 19lbs 8ozs Sweep £25.00
Claim for specimen Roach 12ozs Brian Eccles
Claim for specimen Tench 4lbs 10ozs Bob Horwood
Claim for specimen Carp 14lbs 0ozs Bob Horwood
7 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 46lbs 8ozs
Average catch per member 6lbs 9ozs
1st Lee Robinson with 15lbs 0ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Trevor Francis with1 0lbs 12ozs “ £10.00
Claim for specimen Tench 5lb 14ozs Ian Halford
9 members fished and caught a total weight of 51lbs 12ozs
Average catch per member 5lbs 12ozs
1st Bob Horwood with 23lbs 10ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Lee Robinson with 9lbs 8ozs “ £10.00
8 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 65lbs 12ozs
Average weight per member 8lbs 3ozs
1st Lee Robinson with 25lbs 9ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Bob Horwood with 9lbs 4ozs “ £10.00
Claim for specimen fish 2lbs 0ozs Perch Paul Spiller
5 members fished Broadacres and caught a total weight of 65lbs 8ozs
Average weigt per member 13lbs 1ozs
Winners Bob Horwood & Graham Picton with 31lbs 12ozs Sweep £12.50each
7 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 34lbs 9ozs
Average catch per member 4lbs 15ozs
1st Lee Robinson with 8lbs 8ozs Sweep £15.00
2nd Tony Edwards with 8lbs 2ozs “ £10.00
3rd Paul Spiller with 7lbs 8ozs “ £5.00
Claim for specimen fish 1lb Roach Paul Spiller
5 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 40lbs 1oz
Average catch per member 8lbs 0ozs
1st Bob Horwood with 17lbs 10ozs Sweep £20.00
7 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 28lb 12ozs
Average catch per member 4lbs 2ozs
1st Bob Horwood with 7lbs 6ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Lee Robinson with 7lbs 0ozs “ £10.00
Claim for specimen fish 1lb 2oz Roach Tony Edwards
8 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 9lbs 6ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 2ozs
1st Trevor Francis with 3lbs 10ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Ian Halford with 3lbs 0ozs “ £10.00
9 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 19lbs 8ozs
Average catch per member 2lbs 2ozs
1st Tony Edwards with 7lbs 8ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Ted Erdwin with 4lbs 2ozs “ £10.00
7 members fished the River Colne and caugh a total weight of 4lbs 13ozs
Average catch per member 0lbs 11ozs
1st Trevor Francis with 1lb 5ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Lee Robinson with 1lb 2ozss “ £15.00
Golden Swim Sweep C/F............................£29.00
8 members fished Stanley Lake and caught a total weight of 41lbs 13ozs
Average catch per member 5lbs 2ozs
1st Lee Robinson with 15lbs 4ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Trevor Francis with 7lbs 0ozs “ £10.00
7 members fished Stanleys and caught a total weight of 22lbs 6ozs
Average catch per member 3lbs 2ozs
1st Tony Edwards with 6lbs 0ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Ted Erdwin with 5lbs 9ozs “ £15.00
8 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 41lbs 2ozs
Average catch per member 5lbs 2ozs
1st Ron Larkin with 11lbs 3ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Bob Horwood with 8lbs 12ozs “ £10.00
3rd Paul Spiller with 6lbs 8ozs “ £5.00
4 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 16lbs 5ozs
Average catch per member 4lbs 1oz
1st Ron Larkin with 6lbs 4ozs Sweep £20.00
10 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 105lbs 8ozs
Average catch per member 13lbs 2ozs
1st Trevor Francis with 33lbs Sweep £25.00
2nd Tony Edwards with 14lbs 8ozs “ £15.00
3rd Terry Parker with 12lbs 5ozs “ £10.00
Claim for Specimen fish 10lb 0oz Bream Terry Parker
7 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 52lb 2ozs
Average catch 7lbs 8ozs per member
1st Trevor Francis with 20lbs 14ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Tony Edwards with 9lbs 5ozs “ £15.00
6 members fished Stanley Lake and caught a total weight of 32lbs 9ozs
Average catch per member 5lbs 7ozs
1st Ted Erdwin with 7lbs 8ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Trevor Francis with 5lbs 10ozs “ £10.00
9 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 65lbs 7ozs
Average catch per member 7lbs 5ozs
1st Trevor Francis with 10lbs 12ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Paul Spiller with 10lbs 8ozs “ £15.00
3rd Tony Edwards with 9lbs 10ozs “ £10.00
Golden Swim Sweep C/F........................£38.00
7 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 46lbs 12ozs
Average catch per member 6lbs 10ozs
1st Ron Larkin with 13lbs 10ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Trevor Francis with 9lbs 12ozs “ £15.00
7 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 46lbs 10ozs
Average catch per member 6lbs 10ozs
1st Ron Larkin with 13lbs 4ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Tony Edwards with 12lbs 0ozs “ £10.00
Claim for specimen fish 2lb Crucian Lee Robinson
7 members fished Broadacres and caught a total weight of 38lbs 4ozs
Average catch per member 5lbs 8ozs
1st Trevor Francis with 10lbs 12ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Paul Spiller with 9lbs 2ozs “ £15.00
7 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 51lbs 6ozs
Average catch per member 7lbs 5ozs
1st Bob Horwood with 10lbs 0ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Terry Parker with 11lbs 10ozs “ £10.00
1st Lee Robinson with 89 points
2nd Bob Horwood with 87 points
6members fished Stanley Lake and caught a total weight of 63lbs 12ozs
Average weight per member 10lbs 9ozs
1st Paul Spiller with 21lbs 0ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Terry Parker with 13lbs 4ozs “ £10.00
9 members fished Scepters Lake and caught a total weight of 61lbs 5ozs
Average catch per member 6lb 8ozs
1st Paul Spiller with 21lbs 2ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Trevor Judge with 11lbs 13ozs “ N/A
3rd Brian Eccles with 10lbs 4ozs Sweep £15.00
6 members fished Broadacres and caught a total weight of 47lbs 6ozs
Average catch per member 6lbs 15ozs
1st Paul Spiller with 12lbs 6ozs Sweep £25.00
6 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 54lbs 3ozs
1st Ron Larkin with 15lbs 10ozs Sweep £15.00
2nd Tony Edwards with 15lbs 9ozs “ £10.00
Claim for Specimen fish 4lbs 0ozs Tench Ron Larkin
10 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 50lbs 0ozs
Average catch per member 5lbs 1ozs
1st Frank Tucker with 8lbs 11ozs Sweep £30.00
2nd Ted Erdwin with 8lbs 0ozs “ £15.00
Golden Swim Sweepstake C/F ..............£47.00
6 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 35lbs 7ozs
Average weight per member 5lbs 14ozs
1st Terry Parker with 12lbs 12ozs Sweep £25
4 members fished Stanley Lake and caught a total weight of 21lbs 0ozs
Average weight per member 5lbs 4ozs
1st Tony Edwards with 8lbs 10ozs Sweep £ 15.00
7 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 35lbs 4ozs
Average catch per member 5lbs 0ozs
1st Terry parker with 8lbs 8ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Bob Horwood with 8lbs 8ozs “ £10.00
7 members fished Broadacres and caught a total weight of 36lbs 14ozs
1st Frank Tucker with 16lbs Sweep £20.00
2nd Trevor Judge with 8lbs 10ozs “ £10.00
3rd Trevor Francis with 6lbs 3ozs
6 members fished Broadacres and caught a total weight of 28lbs 14ozs
Average weight per member 4lbs 13oz
1st Tony Edwards with 10lbs 8ozs Sweep £25.00
4 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 17lbs 5ozs
Average weight per member 4lbs 5ozs
1st Trevor Judge with 11lbs 0ozs
2nd Richard Lear with 3lbs 7ozs Sweep £15.00
10 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 38lbs 5ozs
1st Trevor Francis with 12lbs 2ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Lee Robinson with 6lbs 2ozs “ £15.00
3rd Ron Larkin with 5lbs 4ozs “ £10.00
The Golden Swim Sweepstake of £56.00 was won by Trevor Francis
There will not be another Golden Swim Sweepstake this Season
10 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 47lbs 0ozs
Average catch per member 4lbs 12ozs
1st Richard Lear with 8lbs 10ozs Sweep £20.00
Joint 2nd & 3rd with 6lbs 8ozs each “ £12.50 each
Special Prize WP1-WP4 & WP7 -Winner Trevor Francis with 56 points
Special Prize WP2-WP5 & WP8 -Winner Trevor Francis with 55 points
Special Prize WP3-WP6 & WP9 -
7 members fished Stanleys and caught at total weight of 30lbs 10ozs
Average catch per member 4lbs 6ozs
1st Lee Robinson with 18lbs 12ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Richard Lear with 5lbs 7ozs “ £10.00
3rd Terry Parker with 3lbs 3ozs “ £5.00
10 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 34lbs 4ozs
Average catch per member 3lbs 7ozs
1st Bob Horwood with 18lbs 0ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Frank Tucker with 9lbs 0ozs “ £15.00
3rd Trevor Francis with 7lbs 4ozs “ £10.00
7 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 19lbs 15ozs
Average catch per member 2lbs 13ozs
1st Terry Parker with 6lbs 0ozs Sweep £20.00
2nd Bob Horwood with 3lbs 8ozs “ £10.00
Claim for specimen fish 1lb 5ozs Roach Bob Horwood
7 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 10lbs 0ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 5ozs
1st Tony Edwards with 10lbs 0ozs (with only one bite) Sweep
The six other members fishing did not get a single bite
13 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight off 17lbs 9ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 3ozs
1st Terry Parker with 2lbs 10ozs Sweep £30.00
2nd Trevor Francis with 2lbs 8ozs “ £20.00
3rd Ian Halford with 2lbs 2ozs “ £10.00
Claim for Specimen fish with 2lb 2oz Perch Ian Halford
4 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 2lbs 2ozs
Average catch per member 0lbs 8ozs
1st Tony Edwards with 2lbs 2ozs Sweep £15.00
The other three members blanked
3 members fished Stanleys and caught a total weight of 7lbs 1oz
Average catch per member 2lbs 4ozs
1st Trevor Francis with 4lbs 9ozs
2nd Trevor Judge with 2lbs 8ozs
There was no sweepstake
9 members fished Stanley Pool and caught a total weight of 23lbs 4ozs
Average catch per member 2lbs 9ozs
1st Paul Spiller with a 10lbs 0ozs Sweep £60.00
2nd Bob Horwood with 4lbs 8ozs “ £40.00
3rd Trevor Francis with 3lbs 2ozs “ £25.00
4th Terry Parker with 3lbs 0ozs “ £15.00
5th Graham Picton with 2lbs 8ozs “ £15.00
Lee Robinson with 0lbs 2ozs “ £10.00
Claim for Specimen fish with 10lbs 0ozs Carp Paul Spiller
This event was a Rover
7 members fished Tolpits and caught a total weight of 2lbs
Average weight per member 0lbs 5ozs
1st Trevor Judge with 1lb 4ozs
2nd Trevor Francis with 0lbs 10ozs Sweep £20.00
3rd Paul Spiller with 0lbs 4ozs “ £10.00
4 members fished Tolpits, but no Pike were caught
January 5th - The Stanley Pool Trophy – Leg 1
9 members fished Stanleys Pool and caught a total weight of 11lbs 7 ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 5ozs
1st Terry Parker with 2lbs 8ozs Sweep £25.00
2nd Paul Spiller with 2lbs 6ozs
“ £15.00
7 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 65lbs 2ozs
Average catch per member 9lbs 4ozs
1st Paul Spiller with 57lbs 0ozs including a Carp of 12lbs 0ozs Sweep £25.00
December 15th - Wednesday Autumn League Leg 17
3 members fished Thurlows and caught a total weight of 3lbs 10ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 5oz 1st
Trevor Francis with 3lbs 10ozs Sweep £10.00
5 members fished Stanleys and caught a total weight of 5lbs 14ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 3ozs
1st Tony Edwards with 3lbs 0ozs Sweep £15.00
2nd Trevor Francis with 1lb 3ozs “ £5.00
4 members fished Castles and caught a total weight of 118lbs 13ozs
Average catch per member 29lbs 8oz 1st
Tony Edwards with 56lbs 12ozs Sweep £15lbs
5 members fished and caught a total weight of 5lbs 8ozs
Average catch per member 1lb 2ozs
1st Carl Rance with 2lbs 1oz Sweep £25.00
As only two of the five scheduled legs were fished this event was cancelled
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