General News

Latest News 11th January 2024

January 11, 2024

Hello Each,

WEATHER: Outlook is still cold especially at night and possible snow from the middle of next week. So be careful! Remember, forecasts change frequently. Always check the local weather outlook before any planned fishing sessions so you are well prepared.

OUTLOOK: Thursday, 5°/4°,cloudy, Friday, 7°/1°, cloudy, Saturday, 5°/1°, sunny intervals, Sunday, 6°/-1°, sunny intervals, Monday, 3°/-3°, cloudy, Tuesday, 4°/0°, sunny intervals, Wednesday, 4°/1°, light rain.


  • Sunday 14th January 2024 - Stanleys - Winter League - 09:30 - 14:30. Please leave the Lake by mid-night Saturday 13th January. You can return to the lake Sunday after the match has completed. Do not walk the lake until those who have taken part in the match have packed up and left their swim.
  • Sunday 28th January - Castles - Winter League - 09:30 - 14:30
  • Sunday 11th February 2024 - Winter League - Canal - Gingers Pound - meet under the Ebury Way Canal Bridge - 09:30 - 14:30
  • Sunday 25th February - Winter League - River Colne - 09:30 - 14:30

CARP MATCH NEWS: Dates for your 2024 Diary: Hi All, 48 hour carp match on Tolpits Friday 12th April to Sunday 14th April, meet in the main carpark at 10am on the Friday for the draw.     ALL PLACES HAVE BEEN TAKEN

SAFETY WARNING: Many rivers and lakes remain unsafe for fishing due to recent flooding; however most canal swims and WP Swims round our lakes are still safe for fishing, despite the challenging weather conditions. All Members where ever they decide to fish, should take extra care when choosing their fishing spot and put safety first.

OTTER GATES: There have been recent instances where an Otter Fence Gate has been left open. There is no excuse for this. Be warned you will be asked to leave Our Complex pending a disciplinary if you are found leaving an Otter Gate open!

ON SITE LITTER: Water Management recently carried out a Litter Pick on Our Complex the result of which was very disappointing. Please take note of: Rule 17.13 Any Member fishing a Private Society Water shall be asked to leave the venue and be subject to disciplinary committee action. All litter must be removed from Society Waters: this includes , but is not limited to, beer cans, disposable BBQs, crisp and sweet wrappers, rig packaging, line, bait packaging, tins, plastic bottles and containers. Anyone found to have left litter will be asked to leave the Society. You know it makes sense not only is litter an eyesore, but can be a danger to wildlife and to yourselves.

TOLPITS LAKE NEWS: Sorry to report, two solar power lights have been stolen and one broken along the Tolpits Lodge Bank. Anyone found stealing or damaging Club property will be asked to leave Our Club pending any further actions.

GUEST PERMITS: Guest Permits, as well as from Harefield Tackle, Guest Permits can be purchased from Your Water Management Chairman, Ron Westwood, Mobile: 07445 975001. Please note as per Rule: 13.1 Day Tickets only are available at £10. Day tickets, 24 hour and 48 hour Tickets are available, from the 1st November - 14th March inclusive Each season. See Rule 13 to 13.3 in your Rule Book for full details.

Whatever you decide to do this weekend and throughout next week, Stay Safe, Stay Well and Stay Warm and Dry. 🎣🐟🎏


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